Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Finally will it not be enough,
after much living, after
much love, after much dying
of those you have loved,
to sit on the porch near sundown
with your eyes simply open,
watching the wind shape the clouds
into the shapes of clouds?

Even then you will remember
the history of love, shaped
in the shapes of flesh, everchanging
as the clouds that pass, the blessed
yearning of body for body,
unending light.
You will remember, watching
the clouds, the future of love.

Wendell Berry, Sabbath Poems

1 comment:

  1. I still have and treasure the Wendell Berry poem you gave me some years ago:-

    In a dream I meet
    my dead friend. He has,
    I know, gone long and far,
    and yet he is the same
    for the dead are changeless.
    They grow no older.
    It is I who have changed,
    grown strange to what I was.
    Yet I, the changed one,
    ask: "How you been?"
    He grins and looks at me.
    "I been eating peaches
    off some mighty fine trees."
