I write fiction and drama and I help others write whatever it is they might have within them to write: poetry, drama, non-fiction, fiction. I have also been an editor and continue to offer editorial advice to writers. I have been an editor of a literary magazine, an editor of scripts. I have designed literary programmes and adapted literary works into dramatic form. I have designed, curated and organised literary and dramatic events. I have run a reading group that met to discuss 'World Literature'. I have given literary talks around works of art and have written about art.
I have made successful funding applications. I have set up not-for-profit organisations. I have sat on boards and management committees. I have assessed artistic works for the Arts Council of England.
That has been my professional life. In London, in New York, and in Norwich.
I write. A first novel, Questions of Pleasure. Short stories (publisher: Untitled Books, International LIterary Quarterly). A screenplay 'The First Kiss'. Personal essays. A Second Novel 'A Perfect Mother' (publisher: Hikari Press).